The Rise of Heroin Addictions

addiction overcoming hardships Jun 04, 2024
  • I’ll never forget the frantic phone call I received from a family member about a year ago
    informing me that Robbie had died of a heroin overdose. Robbie was the 19 year old
    child of one of my oldest friends in the world and he was a bundle of energy and
    personality from the time he was a little boy. Even though he was much younger than I,
    I was always a sucker for his winning smile and his wicked sense of humor. And just
    like that, he was gone. Taken by a drug that has become all too common in the lives of
    adolescents all over the country. The reality is stark: heroin deaths have skyrocketed
    in the last decade, nearly quadrupling between 2002 and 2013, and a large share of
    new users are 18 to 25 year olds living in suburban or rural areas. While heroin was
    once thought of as the drug of choice for junkies in the inner-city, the drug is now king in
    places just like Brevard County. The prevalence of heroin use in our community is
    evident in the number of people who struggle with heroin addiction that we admit to our
    intensive addiction program at Florida Counseling Centers. Heroin addiction is a
    growing epidemic across the country and it is clearly a problem right here in our own
    Why? Why have so many of our young people turned to such a powerful and addictive
    substance? On the surface there are clear reasons. Doctors no longer write
    prescriptions for the powerful opiate based pain killers as quickly they did a few years
    ago. With a lack of availability to prescriptions some people turn directly to heroin,
    which is derived from the same opium. Recent research indicates that as many as 75%
    of heroin addicts started out by using prescription pain killers. So the link is clear: less
    access to prescription pain killers has yielded the resurgence of heroin.
    In addition to the more quantifiable reasons people are struggling with heroin, I believe
    there is a much deeper catalyst to the resurgence of the drug in our society in particular.
    American culture has increasingly emphasized high expectations and the quest for
    more. Our girls are taught to have Kardashian like bodies clothed in designer outfits.
    Our boys are taught about manhood by their favorite rap artist and find identity in
    materialism and a false oversexualized understanding of what it means to be a man.
    For our kids, enough is never enough and there is a growing sense of low self-esteem,
    discontentment, and in some cases a lack of appreciation and gratitude for a well-lived
    suburban life. Enter heroin: one of the best short-term fixes for a boring day that did
    not provide any Instagram worthy moments and that falls short of the “American dream”
    we are entitled to live.
    What now? What can we do as a culture, and as a community, to begin to reverse the
    heroin epidemic?
    1. Provide opportunities for people to pursue purpose and meaning in life. I asked
    Denny Kolsch, the clinical director of our Intensive Addictions Program at Florida
    Counseling Centers, how he found freedom from his own battle with heroin over
    10 years ago. He described the power of one mission trip to Nicaragua as the
    catalytic event that prompted his turn toward serving other people. This one
    week-long season of service provided an enduring sense that his life could be
  • meaningful and positively impact others. His addiction ended shortly after this
    shift in his belief about himself.
    2. Teach people to practice the discipline of gratitude. The opposite of our high
    expectation culture is the idea that what we have is enough. Research
    demonstrates that taking time to record one or two things we are grateful for
    every day is associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety. An attitude
    of gratefulness is also highly correlated with continued sobriety and relapse
    3. Eliminate the stigma for treatment of addictions. For many years, treatment for
    addictions has brought a sense of shame on both patients and their families.
    Especially for families with young people struggling with addiction, there has
    been a sense that somehow parents have failed because their children have
    fallen prey to drugs or alcohol. If we are ever going to beat heroin as a culture,
    we will have to make a concerted effort to normalize getting treatment from
    professionals who care. We will have to make it “O.K.” to ask for help.


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